The French League for the Birds Protection permits to preserve the biodiversity and discover the surrounding nature. The Gardens of La Ballue correspond perfectly with this agreement and received its Label “My structure is a LPO refuge”“.

Receiving this Label we want to show that we participate to the common effort for the nature protection conducting concrete actions to maintain and develop the nature (fauna, flora and landscape).

We adopted, several years ago, an ecological management of our Refuge. We don’t use chemical pesticides, we hand-weed allowing to keep every and each element necessary to birds and bats life (insects, and non chemically treated flora).

The numerous hedges and topiaries are remarkable protectives structures for nests implantation. You will discover during your visit at the Gardens of la Ballue, different species we host: chickadees, song trush, robin,… and a family of  barn owl who live in the attic…

More information about the LPO label on the website.